What I Do
I have always been drawn to strategic challenges.
Ever since I can remember, I have loved playing games. Whether it was thinking through my next guess in Mastermind or now my almost daily Worldle habit, I am happiest when I find a problem to solve. I suppose that is why it has been a natural transition for me to go from designing curriculum, experiences, and programs in schools to leading dynamic product teams in business-to-consumer spaces.
As a product designer, my ability to visualize the big picture while fine-tuning smaller components allows me to bring everything into focus. Whether it is systems, processes, or interface designs, my ability to see the forest for the trees amplifies my work.
How I Work
Despite the design process remaining consistent across various environments, the problems and contexts I encounter are ever-changing. However, I am able to apply the Design Thinking Framework in each situation. This process is not linear, and can be messy. Regardless, I have a knack for crafting clarity where there is ambiguity.
As a human-centered product designer, I believe human beings are constantly changing, and therefore, so do our problems and solutions. My curiosity drives me to ask questions about how we've arrived at our current state, while my adaptability makes it easier to retrace steps if necessary. If you would like to learn more about the work I do, please reach out.
Sheika Luc Product Designer Washington, DC
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